Dynamite Comes In Small Packages
As a woman of a shorter statue, I have always been attracted to those powerful women who may be deemed "vertically challenged"… There is so much media and attention attributed to tall long-legged women with deep husky voices. I spent years deepening my higher-pitched voice, stood up on my 5‘2“ frame as tall as possible... just to be heard, and to be noticed. As hard as it is to be a woman in male dominated business, being a shorter woman is EVEN harder and I had to lead and inspire through my intellect, creative ideas and hard work.
Ruth Bader Ginsberg never let her quiet statue, or her gentle voice get in the way of her power. She was THE big brain in a small body that inspired everyone to listen and she was my inspiration. If she could stand up against male dominated institutions then, when I was in banking or CEO of a new company, I could be heard and respected. She paved the way for all of us… to all women.... carving our unique creations and scraping our way into industries predominantly led by men.
And, when raising my two daughters I could always point to her as a leader whose beauty was in her brains, whose power was in her insight and whose force to be reckoned with was in her resolution. And now, with one daughter going to law school to fight for social justice… RBG has become our family inspiration.
Deborah Churchill Luster
Churchill Brands, Inc.