Change Lies In Our Hands Now
The latest collection from Teneral Cellars calls attention to the swift shift that unfolded after the passing of Ruth Bader Ginsurg, who so tirelessly worked to champion equity for all. In an era where we are now “Ruth-less”, it is our responsibility to take up the torch.
Women are the majority of people in the United States. We are a driving force of the economy. We work on the frontlines. Women are our country’s greatest hope for change.
Photo by Kristen Blush
We need to take to the streets and make it crystal clear that we will not stand by silently while the foundations of our democracy are being undermined.
We must make our dissent known and rally our resources together to fight for a society that is equitable for all.
We need to stand tall and act boldly.
Photo by Kristen Blush
This particular point in history demands that each and every one of us commits to:
Uplifting women with our dollars
Offering mutual aid to our fellow women
Move the needle forward with additional resources we've gathered for you below!
Photo by Kristen Blush
Women Are Powerful Agents for Radical Change
We are the majority in this country. We are the masses. We hold the power to leave our mark and create a lasting legacy for all women to rise behind us. Equity will only be achieved when women hold the majority of the seats at the table.
This critical moment requires bold action. Let us rally our resources, share in a movement and vote with our dollars to bring swift change to the forefront.
Stand with us as we stand up for women.
Move from Anger to Action
It is the divide that weakens us and leaves us feeling alone and powerless. When women rally together, the paradigm shifts. Mobilization is a group effort. That’s why we’ve gathered resources for women to rally around and provide actionable steps to making moves in your own community.
Photo by Kristen Blush
Get Empowered to Vote
Invest in women’s voting power. Supermajority fights to make the Majority Rules a reality for all women. These rules demand that: (1) Our lives are safe, (2) Our bodies are respected, (3) Our work is valued, (4) Our families are supported, and (5) Our government represents us.
Support Women's Reproductive Rights
Find and support your local abortion fund. The National Network of Abortion Funds works to remove financial and logistical barriers to abortion access by centering people who have abortions and organizing at the intersections of racial, economic, and reproductive justice.
Other ways to take action:
Interactive map of abortion laws by state
Use this toolkit to spread the word that abortion is essential
Get the latest updates on the fight for reproductive rights across the globe
Free, downloadable publications, fact sheets, and reports on reproductive rights
Urge leaders to invest in sexual and reproductive health
Support Indegenous People’s inherent right to equitable and culturally safe health options
Advocate for Equal Pay
Close the gender pay gap in your state. AAUW can help you identify, track, and assess current legislation where you live and rally your network to support and oppose proposed bills.
Photo by Kristen Blush
Speak Up Against Gun Violence
Become a part of the solution to end gun violence. Join Moms Demand Action to help pass stronger gun laws and close loopholes that jeopardize the safety of families. Get involved in your community and with business leaders to encourage a culture of responsible gun ownership.
Photo by Kristen Blush
Other ways to take action:
Host a RUTHLESS Party
Where women gather, wine flows—and resources too!
Rally your community and throw a RUTHLESS party to prioritize equality for women.
Grab the latest collection from Teneral Cellars and use wine as a conduit for change!
Put your party hat on, reach out to people in your life who are passionate about securing the rights of women, and make meaningful change together.